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Events Hosted by MakeAI

Hosted events with AI experts from top companies


Adam Cheyer

Talking about Entrepreneurship and AI

Adam Cheyer is an inventor, entrepreneur, engineering executive, pioneer in AI and computer human interfaces, co-founder or founding member of five successful startups, including Siri,, Viv Labs, Sentient, and GamePlanner.AI, authored more than 60 publications and 39 patents. He graduated from UCLA School of Engineering with an “Outstanding Masters Student” award.

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Erik Learned-Miller

Talking about AI in Facial Recognition, Computer Vision, and more.

Erik G. Learned-Miller, MIT graduate and Professor of computer science at Umass Amherst, focusing on Computer Vision, received Microsoft-MIT graduate student fellowship, NSF CAREER Award, Mark Everingham Award, was on the editorial board of the Journal of Machine Learning Research and Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference.

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Thomas Dietterich

Talking about AI in Safety Engineering, Systems, and more.

Thomas G. Dietterich, Stanford graduate and Professor Emeritus of computer science at Oregon State University, is a pioneer of machine learning, ex-president of AAAI and the International Machine Learning Society, cofounder of Strands, Smart Desktop, and BigML.

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Deb Roy

Talking about AI in social media and more.

Deb K. Roy is a Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT, director of MIT Center for Constructive Communication, Co-Founded Cortico, a nonprofit aimed at amplifying underrepresented voices using deep systematic listening, co-founded X's (Twitter's) Bluefin Labs, linking TV to social media data, previously served as X's (Twitter's) Chief Media Scientist.

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Thomas Davenport

Talking about AI in businesses, jobs, and more.

Thomas Davenport is a Distinguished Professor of Information Technology and Management at Babson College, the co-founder of the International Institute for Analytics, a Fellow of the MIT Initiative for the Digital Economy.

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