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About MakeAI

About vision


Our vision is a future where AI is harnessed for positive impact, where people from diverse backgrounds can contribute to and benefit from AI-driven solutions. We envision a world where AI is used to address complex challenges, drive innovation, and enhance human capabilities.


Our mission is to democratize AI by providing accessible tools, resources, and education to individuals and organizations worldwide. Our goal is to inspire innovation, creativity, and learning by making AI technology available to everyone.

About vision
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Meet the team

Team member
Denali Schlesinger - Founder, Developer

I am motivated by a love of creating and teaching, both of which I hope to inspire in others through MakeAI. I am also passionate about biology and computer science, with the goal of improving health care through AI in drug discovery and clinical care

Team member
Oleg Polin - Co-Founder, Developer

I am passionate about the web, how it can connect all of us, and how it can provide powerful tools accessible to everyone. I hope MakeAI can provide the tools and platform to allow others to build great things.

Team member
Chester Chen - Developer

I am invested in the intersection of connecting expertise in Artificial Intelligence with the development AI in MakeAI, in order to provide accessible AI education to everyone. Currently exploring the possibility of human-like AI in contemporary video game development.